Hasan Imam
6 min readAug 21, 2020

Why Saudi Arabia Must Be The Next Muslim Country To Recognise The State of Israel

When the UAE signed a deal to recognise Israel, I uttered the words, ‘Allahu Akbar’. Listen to the radio discussion with Maajid Nawaz on LBC Radio (UK) Link: https://youtu.be/yr-oZEV3vsA.

I am responding to an article by Lukman Harees of Islam 21c website where he condemned the deal. His article is entitled, ‘Has “Back-Stabbing” the Palestinian Cause become the New Norm?’ His article is found here: https://www.islam21c.com/politics/has-back-stabbing-the-palestinian-cause-become-the-new-norm/

Assalamu Alaikum (peace be with you).

I cannot agree with Br. Lukman Harees. Muslim countries should recognise the state of Israel. This is not backstabbing the Palestinians, it is liberating the Palestinians from misery once and for all. Peace between the descendants of Abraham (AS) must break out. For too long Palestinians have suffered because of failed leadership of HAMAS, whose strategy of protecting Palestinians is to send rockets into Israel, drive the Jews out to the sea and send suicide bombers, only for Israel to retaliate 10 times harder. Who suffers? Israeli lives that have been lost and also the Palestinian lives that have been lost through Israeli bombings, sufferings through bulldozing of Palestinian homes and the great wall around Gaza which is seen as the largest prison in the world. Palestinians have suffered too much for peace not to happen. HAMAS failed, and there were no further elections held since their victory in 2006 for the Palestinians to kick them out. HAMAS needs to use the suffering of Palestinians to advance their own politics. As more Muslim countries recognise Israel, then peace will break out and this will be a win:win for all. I long to see a day when the children of Abraham (AS) will become a superpower God willing.

With regards to the Quranic verses used. It is true that those who conceal evil intentions from the people cannot do so from Allah (God). Seeking peace with Jewish brethren in Israel which would improve the lives of Palestinians and ensure peace in the land of the prophets, is not evil. Supporting or justifying HAMAS terrorist actions against Israeli civilians, which in turn results in Israeli retaliation, is evil. The UAE did not do things in secret, they were very open in their recognition of Israel. If it is meant to refer to secret talks before the declaration, this is normal. Secret talks between adversaries that would lead to peace is normal practice. Why would this be evil?

The Quranic verse on treachery is more applicable to HAMAS, Hezbollah and other extremist groups who misuse Islam and the Quran to inflict terror on innocent civilians in Israel. Killing innocent life is treachery by Quranic standards. This does not excuse Israel’s disproportionate retaliation against Palestinians, and there is a legitimate argument to be had about Israeli policies such as settlements, the wall around Gaza, planned annexation of land, bulldozing of Palestinian houses etc. (which many Israelis also criticise their government for). All the more reason why peace needs to break out, which can only happen by Muslim countries recognising Israel, thus leading to cooperation so that Palestinians can experience peace, security and prosperity once and for all.

Two years ago when I was in Dubai, I made a video responding to a Christian missionary group. In fact, Dubai was my third stop. It was a continuation from my previous videos in Mecca and Medina. In the Dubai video I stated that Muslim countries should recognise Israel and that the descendants of Abraham (AS) should cooperate, especially when the Muslim Shariah laws and Jewish Halakah laws are similar and that the religious beliefs between Jews and Muslis are the closest to each other. Not many people know that Israel has Shariah courts to cater for Israeli Muslims which comprises 20% of the population (there are Christian courts too), something that Europe and America would balk at because of their disdain for ‘Shariah’ which in turn results from the Muslim extremists’ bastardisation of Shariah and Islam. Israel has never been recognised for this. There is more commonality in the Torah, the New Testament and the Quran than there are differences. Hence, Israel should be the confluence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Jews, Christians and Muslims must cooperate to achieve peace once and for all in the Holy Land.

In the Dubai video I made a prayer that more Muslim countries would one day recognise Israel. Two years later I hear that the UAE has made the recognition official. I don’t know whether the UAE royal family watched my video. I wish! (I’m not that important yet). It would do well for the Prince Salman of Saudi Arabia to watch that video and even read this particular post because I make another prayer and a prediction which I hope we won’t have to wait two years for. Saudi Arabia should be the next country to recognise Israel. The land of The Prophet at peace with the land of the prophets… that should be the next step in the Middle East peace process. Prince Salman has made great strides to change Saudi Arabia for the better, and he should have the clout and the backing of scholars to take the next bold step of normalising relations with Israel. Anyone who does not want to see peace between the descendants of Abraham (AS) in the Holy Land are treacherous. How many more Palestinians need to die or suffer in poverty or have their houses knocked down before we realise that peace, not mutual violence, is the answer?

What do you think the prophets Abraham (AS), Isaac (AS) and Ishamel (AS) would want? Peace or violence between their grandchildren?

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Disclaimer: The views expressed are mine only and do not belong to the company I work for or the political party I belong to.

Author Biography

Hasan Ali Imam was born in Bangladesh in 1972 and brought up in the UK. He has engaged in respectful debate and dialogue with those which disagree with him, which culminated in his candidacy for the British Parliament in 2005. He continues to be involved with the UK Conservative Party in his spare time whilst working for a multinational corporation. Hasan has also been involved with the UK Government’s PREVENT counter terrorism strategy as a trainer to public servants on how to prevent young people from venturing into extremism. He also draws on his own experience of attempted recruitment by extremist groups in the 1990s. Hasan has authored three books.

Firstly, ‘United States of Anger — Why Linda Sarsour’s Rage and Far Left Violence Cannot Move Mountains.’ This book is a response to Linda Sarsour (an American Palestinian Socialist activist), and her far left compatriots who supported the violence and rampage that took hold in the US after the tragic killing of George Floyd.

Secondly, ‘BAME — Breaking Through Barriers.’ This book deals with the race space in the UK. It responds to critics who state that ethnic minorities have not progressed due to institutional racism. He tackles the issue head on and invites critics to dialogue and debate. This book was praised by the British Government.

Thirdly, ‘Aisha and Fatima — Ladies of Heavan. A Sunni Response to Shiaism.’ This is specific to the main Islamic sects of Sunni and Shia. The book captures dialogues that Hasan (a Sunni) had with Shia Muslims over the last 20 years.

A fourth book project is under way for publication in 2023, entitled, ‘Why the Far Right are Far Wrong.’ Yes, you guessed it. It includes responses to the Far Right and dialogue with some of its members.

Hasan has also written an article on ‘Medium.com’ to challenge the anti-vaccine narrative from his own Conservative side, including Dr. Simone Gold in the US, and has invited dialogue and debate with anti-vaxxers. He has also engaged in dialogue with and Israeli Jew and an anti-Israeli Muslim on the State of Israel and the importance of Jews, Christians and Muslims to unite under the Abrahamic brotherhood.

Hasan Imam
Hasan Imam

Written by Hasan Imam

Born in Bangladesh and living in the UK. A Conservative who has stood for Parliament. Dialogue and polite debate are the only vaccines to detoxify conversations

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