Many thanks Ossiana for taking the time to reply. It is appreciated. I understand from your last message that we would not progress further in our dialogue, as there is no dialogue to be had. I respect that and will not make any further requests for dialogue or debate.
I deal with the issue of choice at great length in my article and dialogue which addresses your specific point. As we have come to the end of the road here, it is civil that I try to find some form of agreement with one of your positions. Your advice to not engage in sex with pro-choice women and more importantly, without contraception, is a sound one. In fact it corollates nicely with a comment that my previous pro-choice interlocuter (Charles) made, which is that if a woman gets pregnant accidentally, it is the fault of the man 100%. I see great merit in that argument, and your advice is the other side of the same coin. As I have responded to you, you are welcome to have the last word as I know you do not wish to proceed further with our discussion.
On a different note, I was very sad and angry about your ordeal when you were trafficked. The fact that some men whom you trusted to protect you did nothing to help you, and the police weren't even on the scene, as well as having to engage with a very rude doctor. Here in the UK, the stories of horrific grooming gangs were uncovered and publicised recently. These Asian gangs (mostly Muslim Pakistani origin and some English women) had groomed hundreds of White girls in various cities around the UK over the last 30-40 years. Like your ordeal, many of these girls would be psychologically manipulated, made to feel special despite abuse, and raped. It is a travesty that the girls' parents were not aware of what was going on, and the police did not intervene earlier. Many councils overlooked these grooming gangs despite knowing what was going on for fear of being labelled as racist.
The grooming gangs, traffickers and rapists deserve nothing less than the death penalty. No ifs, no buts. Unfortunately, many human rights activists will disagree and appeal to 'rehabilitation' of these sickos who cannot be rehabilitated.
The issue of exploiting women in the adult industry is something I read with interest in your other article where you mentioned your love-hate relationship with Playboy and what it stood for. I do not agree with some of the things you said in relation to perceived liberation and celebration of women's bodies. I do recall corresponding with a Playboy model 20 years ago, who modelled in the 1950s. She told me that the modelling she did then was different to the post 1970s Playboy environment, where she lamented the exploitation of models. I will probably comment further in that particular article you wrote rather than use this space here.
It has been a pleasure to engage with you albeit for a short while. All the best and God Speed.