Hi Ossiana. I read your article with interest. It would be great to have a dialogue in the context of abortion. Your recent article on Right wing's recruitment of women feeds in nicely on the topic of abortion and how feminists view pro-life and religious women. I have had some dialogue with pro-choice advocates and these are captured in my appended article (link below). I would be grateful for your thoughts on the article and subsequent dialogue I had with pro-choicers. It is hoped we can continue the dialogue. I am a guy, pro-life, Muslim and British-Bangladeshi. You can be assured that the conversations will be civil unlike the polarised politics I see in the US. I have had civil and polite discussions on abortion with feminists over the last 30 years, I never had problems, until a few days ago where a pro-choice advocate got very angry with me...and he is a guy. You will see how the discussions unfold. But I look forward to our engagement if interested.
Hasan (UK)
Link to article and dialogue: https://medium.com/@hasanaliimam/aborting-roe-v-wade-the-plea-for-serious-dialogue-between-pro-life-and-pro-choice-advocates-db8c0b6717d3