Hi Amber, interesting challenge to the pro-life community, to which I belong to. I am starting to read your other articles as well. I have engaged in dialogue with feminists and pro-choice advocates over the last three decades, and conversations have always been pleasant and cordial (except for a few weeks ago when I had a fallout with a pro-choice guy). I have written and appended article addressing points raised by pro-choice advocates and includes dialogues I have been having with them. I would be grateful for your insights and hope we can engage in dialogue. I will be happy to incorporate your responses into my appended article (as I have done with other pro-choicers' comments). Link (or copy the web address): https://medium.com/@hasanaliimam/aborting-roe-v-wade-the-plea-for-serious-dialogue-between-pro-life-and-pro-choice-advocates-db8c0b6717d3