Convergence — The Only Solution to the Israel Palestine Conflict
Warning: Prepare for a disruption in thinking.
(Disclaimer: These are my views only and do not represent the company I work for nor the political party I belong to. But whatever side of the debate you’re on, you will find my article below to be compelling)
In the world of business and commerce all of us learn how to improve ourselves through various training programmes on team building, synergy, leadership, behavioural insights, connection, mindfulness, delegation, conflict management, empowerment etc. There are even formidable courses and sessions on diversity and inclusion and unconscious bias which are designed to engender tolerance and appreciation between peoples of differing beliefs and cultures. And we are meant to inspire others through leading by example. Such are the powers of leaders, CEOs, managers and influencers. One would think that the professionalism of Linkedin would protect its members from destructive and divisive thoughts and conversations when sensitive topics arise. But lo and behold, all of that training, inspiration, diversity, one-team approach etc. have collapsed when people’s conscious biases have broken through Linkedin’s professional barrier. This was quite pronounced over the last few days when the conflict in Israel/Palestine erupted to a new level where there were claims and counter claims, accusations and counter-accusations on Linkedin. I ask this question, “what have you actually learnt from all of that knowledge accumulation, skills training and synergistic love you received from your corporate training?”
The Need for Convergence
There is a clear disparity between those who are pro-Israel/Zionist and those who are anti-Israel. Hard core activists on both sides are doing more harm than good. Here is a new concept I would like to introduce. CONVERGENCE. Both sides need to gravitate towards each other by building bridges so that no more lives are lost and that there is lasting peace. In my previous post I celebrated the convergence of Ramadan (Muslim), Passover (Jewish), Easter (Christian) and Vaisakhi (Hindu/Sikh). Israel-Palestine is the only country where its Holy Land sees the confluence of the three Abrahamic faiths. What should have been a faith-driven celebration of the great religions and an atmosphere of brotherhood, descended into chaos and bloodshed. We have become fucked- up ambassadors of our respective faiths.
Muslim Activists and Infleuncers — Please Grow Some Balls
Pro-Palestinian activists are right to highlight the killing of civilians by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). But these activists are wrong to pay lip service to the murder of Rabbi Leo Dee’s wife and two daughters by an extremist Palestinian murderer. If they do comment on the murders, it is only to excuse it by stating that the British-Jewish family were on illegally occupied land by settlers. They also pay lip service to Hamas and its strange bedfellow, Hezbollah, who fired rockets into Israel to specifically target innocent Israeli civilians; who are not only Jews but also Israeli Muslim and Christian Arabs. If it hadn’t been for the Iron Dome, then the civilian casualties would have been high. And they fire these rockets knowing full well that the blowback and retaliation from the IDF will be twice as hard. The relative silence from Muslim commentators and activists in their refusal to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah is deafening. The only Muslim commentator on Linkedin who had balls to condemn the murder of the Rabbi Dee’s family is @Noor Dahri.
The month of Ramadan is the opportunity to turbocharge our discipline, spirituality and mercy. Murdering innocent Israelis and tacitly supporting Hamas’s attacks on Israel is the exact opposite of the principles of Ramadan and Islam. Yes, fight when attacked, but do not be the aggressor. That is the Quranic principle. Take it or leave it.
Disrupting the Israel-Apartheid Narrative
The issue of ‘illegally occupied land by settlers’ is irrelevant. The Hamas Charter implies that Israel in its entirety is illegal and should be eradicated by driving out the Jews to the sea. So, do the pro-Palestinian activists want the state of Israel to exist or not? If they do, but only have an issue with the Jewish settlers land that has been taken from Palestinians, then there is a discussion and debate to be had about the Palestinian right of return. If they do not want Israel to exist as a nation then they need to question the existence of Pakistan. It was created in 1947, one year before Israel was, and it was created without the consent of the Muslim, Hindu and Sikh populations in Hindustan (the previous name for India under the Mughals. ‘Nabhivarsha’ and ‘Aryavarta’ were original names prior to that). When Muslims were asked to migrate to Pakistan and Hindus to India, this is apartheid par excellence. Yet, for some reason, no one has noticed this, especially those who charge Israel with apartheid. Fascinating paradox. (Yes, I can be objective about the Indian subcontinent as my roots are in Bangladesh and India, and I have relatives in Pakistan). Far from being an apartheid state, 20% of the Israeli population are Muslim and Christian Arabs. There are Arab members of the Knesset, and an Israeli Arab Supreme Court judge had jailed the ex-Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert. Moreover, there are Muslims who serve in the IDF and are proud to be Israeli Muslims. These facets of Israeli life are not shown in mainstream media. Contrast Israeli ‘apartheid’ with South African apartheid. They are poles apart. In fact, Israel is closer to India, where it also has 20% of its population who are minorities (i.e. non-Hindus). Muslims form 14% of the Indian population and India can be proud of its heritage of diversity in its administration long before D&I became a thing in the West. India has produced a Muslim President, Abdul Kalam, who also lay the groundwork for India’s formidable space and nuclear programmes which has led it to become a superpower. India produced a Sikh Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh. The main opposition party is led by an Italian-Indian, Sonia Gandhi, the wife of the late Rajiv Gandhi. And the current Prime Minister, Modi, is the only leader in Indian history who got India a seat at the table of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Conference) to represent its 210 million Muslim population. Pakistan and Bangladesh come nowhere near India or Israel in the positive treatment of their minorities.
Israeli Critics of its Own Government
What of Palestinians who reside in the Great Wall of Gaza? They are oppressed, and the recent bombardment of Gaza by the IDF has resulted in civilian casualties, including children. Furthermore, it is painful to watch the IDF beat Muslim worshippers at the Dome of the Rock mosque during Ramadan. How did this happen and why did this happen given that the IDF has a policy of not killing civilians? Investigations need to take place, and soldiers within the IDF who have been responsible for such beatings or killing of Palestinian civilians should be held to account and tried. Far from this being a pro-Palestinian propaganda fed from a deeply scripted anti-Israel narrative, there are commentators who are genuine in their criticism of Israeli policies against Palestinians. For example, Miko Peled, is a son of an Israeli General and became a pro-Palestinian activist after he visited the Palestinian territories. But what is ironic is that there are tens of thousands of Israelis who have protested against their own government for mistreatment of Palestinians. There are Israeli soldiers who refuse to serve in the Palestinian territory. Yet these are not reported in mainstream media. There is even the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish group known as the Neturei Karta who are pro-Palestinian and do not recognise Israel. They have even flown Palestinian flags just to wind up the IDF. These Israeli critics are free to criticise their own government without the fear of retaliation from authorities. What would happen to Palestinians who openly criticise Hamas? They would be attacked or killed for collaboration. That is why Palestinian activists adroitly steer away from criticising Hamas or Hezbollah.
Dome of the Rock Incident
Coming back to the Dome of the Rock incident. The intervention of the IDF at the mosque should stop. And the Palestinian Muslim worshippers should not give the IDF reason to intervene. Apart from this incident, prayers are normally held peacefully to the extend that a quarter of a million Muslim worshippers have prayed at the compound of the mosque without incident during Friday prayers. Again, this is not reported in mainstream media. So much for the ‘Zionist-Jewish controlled media’ narrative. The IDF has also protected the Dome of the Rock mosque from Jewish extremists who have tried to destroy it in order to rebuild Solomon’s Temple [side note: this mosque is confused with the Al-Aqsa Mosque mentioned in the Quran. The Dome of the Rock mosque was built years after Prophet Muhammad died. The Al-Aqsa mosque mentioned in the Quran is the Temple Mount or Solomon’s Temple. This is a scared place, not only because prophet Solomon is a great prophet in Islam, but it is the place where Prophet Muhammad ascended from, in his journey to Heaven. This specific noble sanctuary of Al-Aqsa is where the Dome of the Rock Mosque is built on].
As the ‘Boycott, Divest and Sanction’ against Israel movement grows, we are asked to boycott Israeli produce. I sometimes marvel at protesters who protest outside Tesco or similar businesses that have connections with Israel. They ask us to do what they themselves cannot do. It is very easy not to buy dates or nuts or oranges that are produced in Israel. But if the BDS movement is true to their principles, they would also need to boycott technologies such as instant messaging service, Viber, USB flash drives, computers, firewalls, voice calls over the internet, Babysense (breathing detector for babies to prevent cot death), iPhones, Face ID, etc. because these technologies or a part of these technologies were invented in Israel. If you are a CEO or Director or a leader of some significance on Linkedin and a part of the BDS movement which wants us to boycott Israeli goods, then please do the honours and withdraw from these technologies you are so dependent on. If you can do that then we will be in awe of your mindfulness, leadership skills and executive decision-making. Truly.
Convergence Through Abrahamic Brotherhood is the Only Solution
One can see how complicated and nuanced the Israel-Palestine problem is. And here is little old me sitting in the comfort of my home in Slough trying to solve a problem that has been raging for 75 years! Activists on both sides who are resolutely divergent in their thinking and activism should disrupt their own thinking and behaviours by breaking out of their deeply scripted narrative and reach out to each other so that they converge towards common goals where the state of Israel is recognised, where peace breaks out, where there is no more killing, and the rights of Israelis and Palestinians are protected. Once Palestine is created as a state, it will inherit Jewish communities who are settlers. They will become Palestinian Jews…and their rights must be protected as well. More Muslim countries such as Bahrain and the UAE have started to recognise Israel, which is a step in the right direction. Whilst politicians do their politicking, and whilst diplomacy is navigating its way through the powder keg of conflict, the rest of us who are consumers or employees or business owners can also become enablers for peace. Jewish business owners around the world should start to import and sell produce from the Palestinian territories. Palestinian Mejdool dates are awesome! And you can’t go wrong with Zaytoon olive oil. There are plenty of Palestinian businesses looking for markets. Help your Palestinian brothers. Likewise, Arab shops around the world should start to stock Israeli produce. Kedem Kosher grape juice is tasty! Help your Jewish brothers. This is true empowerment and forging connections at ground level.
Furthermore, let’s find ways to break down the Great Wall of Gaza and help Palestinians who are in dire poverty. It is the responsibility of Israel and the rest of the world to help these oppressed people because Hamas will not help them, they are too busy buying rockets.
Going beyond business opportunities, religion is the only entity that connects Jews, Christians and Muslims through their common father, prophet Abraham. The Abrahamic Accords should be this very vehicle to unite the three great communities in Israel-Palestine under Abrahamic brotherhood. If the co-religionists are still sceptical of a lasting peace, then ask yourselves, ‘what would prophets Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael do if they were alive today? What would the blessed Hashem/God/Allah expect us to do in order to attain a permanent peace in the Holy Land?’
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Author Biography
Hasan Ali Imam was born in Bangladesh in 1972 and brought up in the UK. He has engaged in respectful debate and dialogue with those which disagree with him, which culminated in his candidacy for the British Parliament in 2005. He continues to be involved with the UK Conservative Party in his spare time whilst working for a multinational corporation. Hasan has also been involved with the UK Government’s PREVENT counter terrorism strategy as a trainer to public servants on how to prevent young people from venturing into extremism. He also draws on his own experience of attempted recruitment by extremist groups in the 1990s. Hasan has authored three books.
Firstly, ‘United States of Anger — Why Linda Sarsour’s Rage and Far Left Violence Cannot Move Mountains.’ This book is a response to Linda Sarsour (an American Palestinian Socialist activist), and her far left compatriots who supported the violence and rampage that took hold in the US after the tragic killing of George Floyd.
Secondly, ‘BAME — Breaking Through Barriers.’ This book deals with the race space in the UK. It responds to critics who state that ethnic minorities have not progressed due to institutional racism. He tackles the issue head on and invites critics to dialogue and debate. This book was praised by the British Government.
Thirdly, ‘Aisha and Fatima — Ladies of Heavan. A Sunni Response to Shiaism.’ This is specific to the main Islamic sects of Sunni and Shia. The book captures dialogues that Hasan (a Sunni) had with Shia Muslims over the last 20 years.
A fourth book project is under way for publication in 2023, entitled, ‘Why the Far Right are Far Wrong.’ Yes, you guessed it. It includes responses to the Far Right and dialogue with some of its members.
Hasan has also written an article on ‘’ to challenge the anti-vaccine narrative from his own Conservative side, including Dr. Simone Gold in the US, and has invited dialogue and debate with anti-vaxxers. He has also engaged in dialogue with and Israeli Jew and an anti-Israeli Muslim on the State of Israel and the importance of Jews, Christians and Muslims to unite under the Abrahamic brotherhood.